Novtek Gypsum Putty
Levelling • Filling • Patching
An all-purpose filler compound for leveling, filling, or patching of gypsum boards, fiber cements, fiber boards, concrete surfaces.
This product can be used in internal and external jointing purposes.
- High crack resistance
- Good sanding properties
- Low shrinkage
- No need to add water
- Ready to use
FORM : Paste
COLOR : off white
DRYING TIME : 24 hours
CONSISTENCY : homogenous paste
PACKAGING : 5 kg/bucket
28 kg/pail
COVERAGE AREA : 5linear meter/6” width
VOC CONTENT : Very low odor
SHELFLIFE : 12 Months
Ensure that surfaces are clean, structurally sound, and dry. Pre-fill NovTek Gypsum Putty at joints
between panels with a 6” width joint putty knife
1. Ensure that surfaces are clean, structurally sound, and dry. Pre-fill NovTek Gypsum Putty at joints
between panels with a 6” joint putty knife.
2. Position and lightly press the mesh tape or cotton tape over the freshly applied gypsum putty. Scrape off excess gypsum putty from the edge and apply a thin coat over the tape to prevent wrinkles & blisters.
3. Allow the first coat to dry & scrape off excess material & imperfections. Apply a 2nd coat to the joints using an 8” knife or trowel. Feather properly ensuring that the 2nd coat is wider than the first coat by 2-4”.
4. Apply the 3rd and final coat again making sure that the previous coat is covered and final coat extends at least 2” from the edges.
5. Sanding is not always necessary. But if you do, use fine grit sandpaper taking care that the board’s
paper surface is not scuffed or roughed. Remove sanding dust with a slightly damp sponge.
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